
The final program of the conference:


FAERE 2020 Program (pdf)



Remark: The time dedicated to each article is 30 minutes divided as follows:
20 minutes for the presentation of the article by the author +
5 minutes of discussion by the discussant of the article +
5 minutes of audience questions and discussion


Jeudi 10 Septembre :


8h30 :

Mot de bienvenue 

 MS Teams links to participate to the mot de bienvenue (click here to participate)



9h00 - 10h30 :

A1 - Agriculture 1. Chairperson: Sauquet Alexandre

 MS Teams links to participate to the session (click here to participate)



A2 - Circular Economy. Chairperson: Lorang Etienne

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A3 - Energy policy 1. Chairperson: Quirion Philippe

 MS Teams links to participate to the session (click here to participate)




A4 – Externalities. Chairperson: Fabbri Giorgio

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10h45 – 12h15 :


B1 - Agriculture 2. Chairperson: Vaitkeviciute Jaune

MS Teams links to participate to the session (click here to participate)




B2 - Climate change 1. Chairperson:Venmans Frank

MS Teams links to participate to the session (click here to participate)


B3 – Housing. Chairperson: Lambin Xavier

 MS Teams links to participate to the session (click here to participate)



13h45-15h45 :


C1 - Bio diversity and natural resources 1. Chairperson: Pietri Antoine

MS Teams links to participate to the session (click here to participate)



C2 - Energy transition 1. Chairperson: Debille Antoine

 MS Teams links to participate to the session (click here to participate)



 C3 - Health and environment 2. Chairperson: Bayramoglu Basak

 MS Teams links to participate to the session (click here to participate)



C4 – Innovation. Chairperson: Orset Caroline

 MS Teams links to participate to the session (click here to participate)



C5 – Water. Chairperson: Binet Marie-Estelle

 MS Teams links to participate to the session (click here to participate)


16h :

Assemblée Générale, et remise du prix FAERE du meilleur article de jeunes économistes


Participer à l’assemblée générale

Seuls les membres de la FAERE à jour de leur cotisation peuvent accéder à l’AG


Vendredi 11 septembre :


9h00 - 10h30 :


D1 - Inequalities and developing countries. Chairperson: Melindi-Ghidi Paolo

 MS Teams links to participate to the session (click here to participate)



 D2 - Bio diversity and natural resources 2. Chairperson: Quérou Nicolas

 MS Teams links to participate to the session (click here to participate)



D3 - Climate change 2. Chairperson: Gavard Claire

 MS Teams links to participate to the session (click here to participate)



 D4 - Energy policy 2. Chairperson: Jacqmin Julien

 MS Teams links to participate to the session (click here to participate)




D5 - Energy transition 2. Chairperson: Pommeret Aude

 MS Teams links to participate to the session (click here to participate)




10h45 – 12h45 :


E1 - Climate policies. Chairperson: Withagen Cees

 MS Teams links to participate to the session (click here to participate)



  E2 - Disasters and risks. Chairperson: Aubert Cécile

 MS Teams links to participate to the session (click here to participate)



 E3 - Environmental evaluation. Chairperson: Glachant Matthieu

 MS Teams links to participate to the session (click here to participate)



 E4 - Health and environment 1. Chairperson: Lavaine Emmanuelle

 MS Teams links to participate to the session (click here to participate)



 E5 – Transport. Chairperson: Marianna Marino

 MS Teams links to participate to the session (click here to participate)



E6 - Agriculture 3. Chairperson: Subervie Julie

 MS Teams links to participate to the session (click here to participate)



14h :

Table ronde sur la convention citoyenne pour le climat

organisée par Matthieu Glachant (MINES Paristech) et Louis-Gaëtan Giraudet (Ecole des Ponts ParisTech)


Participants : Loïc Blondiaux (Univ. Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne), Anne Brigault (Réseau Action Climat), Christian de Perthuis (Chère économie du climat),Jean Guillaume Peladan (sycomore asset management)

MS Teams links to participate to the table rond (click here to participate)

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